Indiana Publishing: Grey Literature

Adam Mazel, Digital Publishing Librarian

Scholarly Communication Department, IUB Libraries


What is Indiana Publishing: Grey Literature?

Indiana Publishing: Grey Literature is a library publishing service for texts created by the IU community that are not publishable by scholarly or commercial presses but that are nonetheless worthy of the affordances of a publisher.

  • Free for Authors
  • Free for Readers
  • Authors Retain Copyright
  • IU Branding
  • Digital First
  • Housed in IUBL’s Scholarly Communication Department

Whom We Publish

Manuscripts created by (at least one member of) the IU community

  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Students
  • Centers
  • Research Groups
  • Etc.

How We Publish: Platforms





How We Publish: Formats

Multiformat Publishing

  • HTML
  • EPUB
  • PDF

What We Publish

Manuscripts that are not publishable by scholarly or commercial presses

  • not expected to sell or too costly to publish
  • too short or too long
  • not apt for peer review
  • digital scholarship

What We Publish: Genres

  • Books
    • Non Fiction
    • Fiction
  • Companions
  • Conference Proceedings
  • Reports / White Papers

What We Publish: Criteria

  • External (Peer) Review: No

  • Internal Review: Yes
    • High Impact
    • Digital Affordances
    • Historically Excluded Groups

Apply via Indiana Publishing: Grey Literature website

Why should the manuscript be published by Indiana Publishing: Grey Literature rather than yourself?

How We Help

Publishing Options Before Indiana Publishing

Self Publishing

  • IU ScholarWorks
  • Pressbooks


  • Unaware / Uncertain Authors
  • Inaccessible Publications
  • Etc.

How We Help: Services

  • Copyright and Licensing Advice
  • Media Advice
  • Digital Publication Creation
  • Accessibility
  • Discoverability
  • Bibliometrics
  • Preservation
  • Publicity

Where We’re Going

  • Print-on-Demand
  • Discoverability (Enhanced)
  • IU Integration
  • Graphic Design

The End

  • Questions?