Part I: The Slaback Family

Lila and her younger brothers, Earl and Loyal, all approximately two to seven years old, barefoot, and standing on a dirt path.

Lila with her younger brothers, Earl and Looy, c. 1931

Genealogical chart that shows the connections between Lila and her parents, grandparents, siblings, cousins, nieces and nephews, and children.

I developed this chart using and census records. Only people who were alive during Lila’s lifetime are listed; younger children and later generations are not. The fathers of Lila’s last four children are speculative but are included as a reference for readers.


I have no idea who originally took these family photographs. Some of them came from my mother’s sister, June. Others I inherited when my mother passed away.

The first section of this book, The Slaback Family, is told from Lila’s perspective using words and observations that a child (and later, a teenager) would make. As one of the younger children in a large family, she would not have received much attention from her parents. I imagine that her oldest sister, Izro, was more like a mother to her.